We support the next step in medical transport with drones

20 Mar 2023

Medical transport using unmanned aerial vehicles in Poland has already made its first milestones – regular, commercial flights connect laboratories with hospitals. It’s time for another one, and its author will be none other than Szymon Kupaj and Paweł Perlich with UAV4City.

The MEDAROTOR project will create an autonomous TILT ROTOR platform for regional medical transport. It will be successfully used in a wide spectrum of sectors in which the time of delivery of shipments plays a key role, such as laboratory diagnostics, transport of blood, biological tissues or organs.

Paulina Ślisz-Sandecka and Jędrzej Kozioł from the Ślisz-Sandecka Kozioł & Partnerzy Law Firm represented the company that signed the Investment Agreement with the Green Alpha (Green Ventures) fund managed by Łukasz Konarski. Over PLN 1,000,000 from the BRIdge Alfa Program of the Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju will go towards the development of MEDAROTOR.


DROP DRONE safe drone landing sites

DROP DRONE safe drone landing sites

The rapid development of drone transportation requires the creation of appropriate infrastructure, including – safe landing pads in the area of urban agglomerations. This is precisely the goal of the DROP DRONE project.

EH MovieStudio will rock motion capture

EH MovieStudio will rock motion capture

Behind the realistic movement of animated characters is motion capture technology, or mocap for short. It has revolutionized the film and gaming industry, and as of today, the Scanderia Venture Fund and the Ślisz-Sandecka Kozioł & Partners law firm will have a hand in the revolution!

Poliwater will make orthopedists’ work easier

Poliwater will make orthopedists’ work easier

Beata Kroczek, thanks to the investment of the Scanderia Venture Fund and the support of the Ślisz Sandecka Kozioł & Partnerzy Law Firm, will take another sure step to make medical care for limb injuries and fractures friendlier for patients and orthopedists.

GraftFlow – a healthy combination of medicine and business

GraftFlow – a healthy combination of medicine and business

Paulina Ślisz-Sandecka and Jędrzej Kozioł from Ślisz-Sandecka Kozioł & Partners Law Firm supported the Scanderia Venture Fund in the process of preparing, negotiating and agreeing investment documentation for the GraftFlow project and the development of Innovations For Heart And Vessels.