8th edition of the Polish Startups report

9 Aug 2022

Reports from the “Polish Startups” series are published by the Startup Poland Foundation every year. In addition to analyzing the condition of the Polish startup market, the publication includes statistics on innovative companies from the Vistula River and experts’ opinions. Thus, the report is a compendium of knowledge about the Polish startup scene – useful for both startuppers and investors. The report will be available online free of charge and is scheduled for publication in December.

– Completing the survey takes no more than 10 minutes, but these are very valuable minutes for the Polish startup ecosystem. It is thanks to the participants of the study, i.e. the founders or employees of startups, that we have first-hand information on how to run startups in Poland. What are the biggest problems, where our law still has gaps, how is the financing of innovative projects going. Thanks to this knowledge, we have a full picture of the startup market in Poland, and thus we can propose solutions and look for answers to problems – says Tomasz Snażyk, president of Startup Poland.

You can find the link to the survey HERE.


Source: Startup Poland Foundation


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