NAVIMED will help you find the right doctor’s office

5 Jan 2023

Hospitals, clinics and medical centers are places where the use of navigation nowadays becomes a necessity. Finding the way to the goal in large-area buildings is often complicated and requires finding the plan of the facility. In the case of the elderly and disabled – roads without architectural obstacles.

NAVIMED is an innovative microlocation system using artificial intelligence methods, developed by Maciej Michalski and Anna Mikos from the Lublin startup Navi.Med. System będzie składał się z dedykowanych urządzeń (beaconów) i autorskich algorytmów inteligencji obliczeniowej. Zadziała tam, gdzie nie radzi sobie GPS. Precyzyjne określeni pozycję użytkownika i wskaże drogę z uwzględnieniem przeszkód i punktów pośrednich, omijaniem barier architektonicznych.

Paulina Ślisz-Sandecka and Jędrzej Kozioł from Ślisz-Sandecka Kozioł & Partnerzy Law Firm represented the Scanderia Venture Fund, which has signed an investment agreement with the founders worth over PLN 1,000,000 from the BRIdge Alfa Program of the Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju for further development of NAVI.MED.


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The rapid development of drone transportation requires the creation of appropriate infrastructure, including – safe landing pads in the area of urban agglomerations. This is precisely the goal of the DROP DRONE project.

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GraftFlow – a healthy combination of medicine and business

Paulina Ślisz-Sandecka and Jędrzej Kozioł from Ślisz-Sandecka Kozioł & Partners Law Firm supported the Scanderia Venture Fund in the process of preparing, negotiating and agreeing investment documentation for the GraftFlow project and the development of Innovations For Heart And Vessels.