ResQuant for future cyber threats

2 Jan 2023

ResQuant operates in the cybersecurity sector and aims to protect sensitive data against current and upcoming threats. One of the projects of the Lodz startup founded by Michal Andrzejczak and Tomasz Szcześniak is a response to the new cryptographic standards selected in a competition organized by the American National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and designated by the American National Security Agency with the recommendation “Commercial National Security Algorithm Suite 2.0. ” from September this year.

The agency recommends the introduction of two post-quantum algorithms tested over the last five years in 2025, and their mandatory use for selected categories of hardware and software – from 2030. The algorithms will enable secure communication between devices in the upcoming digital environment using quantum computers. This is a revolution in cybersecurity for which enterprises should prepare now.

Modern cybersecurity uses asymmetric cryptography standards based on mathematical problems that today’s computers cannot solve. However, two algorithms – Shor and Grover – have already been invented that can solve these problems on a quantum computer. This means that as soon as a sufficiently powerful quantum computer appears, all currently used public-key cryptography will become useless, says Tomasz Szcześniak.

The post-quantum accelerator project, which consisted in developing and introducing to the market innovative tools and algorithms for securing computer electronics devices and components with solutions in the field of post-quantum cryptography, is already on the final stretch. The founders supported by Paulina Ślisz-Sandecka and Jędrzej Kozioł from Ślisz-Sandecka Kozioł & Partnerzy Law Firm have just signed another investment agreement under the BRIdge Alfa program Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju with the Invento VC fund represented by Robert BieleńBartosz Zalewski and Jacek Murawski.

The funds obtained as part of the Investment will enable ResQuant to launch a complex accelerator in physical FPGA systems, together with the performance of correctness tests and measurement of real performance parameters, code refactoring and preparation of the code for distribution, along with the development of technical and user documentation.


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